Thursday, March 26, 2009


Woohoo! We're finaly getting some snow and it seems like we're getting enough snow for 5 winters! We're expecting about a foot of snow over the next few days and I'm exited! But, of course, there's always a down side to somthing good. *Sigh*
And this time it seems like the down side is Chickens laying, under-insilated chicken houses and frostbite. I'll explain more: My mom noticed it was starting to get veeeeeerry snowy, windy, cold ETC. and she went out to take the chickens and put them in the garage, witch is considerably warmer then the outside, Sibyll, unfourtunitly, was laying an egg, so my mom let her lay in peace. A while later I remembered about Sibs' and wondered if she was done laying, and me and my mom went out to see. Sure enough she was out in the coop, wondering were the heck everyone was and probobly freezing. So mom picked her up, and if chickens could shiver, she would have been, we carried her over to the garage and filled a small box with hay (realizing that the hens needed a place to lay, in case anyone else had an egg to donate) and the most nice and amazing thing about this is Sibyll never pecked me!:D Probobly because I was keeping her neck warm with my gloves, but I'll take what I can get (^.^)

Last I was out (about 45 mins ago) the snow was up to my ankles! Sunny loves it, though she is clearly not bred for it. And one last odd thing to report: Our cars look like they're made out of wood. Yes, there was no typo's in that, nor did you misread or misinterprate it, our cars look like they were carved out of wood. it's kinda hard to explain but Ill try my best. The snow is covering our cars and leaving sharp lines on them, so they look like little wood carved cars not smoothed off all the way. It's realy a weird day. And I'm injoying every moment of it! Oh, and we got some pictures of the madness, once I get around to posting them!!!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is here!

Now that spring is here we should be getting some more rain, not to mention snow!
Acording to our neighbors this has been the dryist march since they've lived here. So we should be getting more rain and snow to make up for what we haven't had so far.

We had some little drops fall her in Fort Collins, but not enough to even get you wet, the ironic thing is we saw big storms to the north and south.
We were going to plant some bulbs and flower seeds, but after the game of mini-socer in the school yard and a tour of the Windsor Dairy, we decided just to sit back at the computers and zone-out playing gamefudge and world of warcraft.

Now for Some Chicken News:
The pullets should be laying soon.
Maxeim is now in the most non-glorious part of her molt and is starting to look especaily shagy and run-down.
Sibyll is geting better at not attacking me, or at least I'm getting better at not agrovating her (I've found that if you run past her not even that fast she tends to attack you, also if you're trying to stop her from going into the garden or anywere else she starts to get anoyed and then she attacks)

Now for Other Pet News:
The fish got new water in their tank.
The rats wish they got their cage cleaned. pateince, pateince, little raties.

That's all the news worth reporting (or not) that I can remember. I'll post those pictures next post, or maybe the next... :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Okay, I forgive Sibyll. Kind of.

Okay, I forgive Sibyll. Why, you wonder I would forgive a evil chicken from hell? Because today we proved she does not only hate me, she hates everyone.

Just kiding.

She doesn't hate everybody, and infact she doesn't hate me persay. I think it depends on the weather. Example: If the weather's realy crumby and windy and blowing her feathers all about she mighnt be a little agrovated, and attack. But, if the weather is nice and cool and she's having a nice day she mighnt just run away from me, or anyone else, instead of chalenging them and trying to peck they're shoes to death.
Anyway, I think we've proven that she is not mean (Well, somtimes she's mean) just anti-socal.

I just thought of something: Sibyll has a bare neck and it could just be she's cranky because this cold weather gets her neck, well, cold, and maybe she's just mad because she thinks we should still be living in CA (or that we move back there). But I don't think we're gonna be moving back there anytime soon. Sorry Sibyll!

I think it could also be that if somone agrovates her enough (in Sibyll's case thats trying to pick her up and snuggle her) she would start to get angy and attack.

And so, for now atleast, I forgive Sibyll. But I will still be wary of her, for one never knows when she's in a Foul mood.
Pun not intended, well, maybe it was a little...

UPDATE: I was running through the yard, taking pictures (For a future blog post!!!!!!!!) when Sibyll charged at me! I know, what manners! I stood my ground, trembling with fear though, who wouldn't? an evil chicken from hell charging at you? anway, so I stood my ground and, thankfully, she backed off. But all that goes to show that the moment you forgive an evil chicken from hell bent on destroying earth she'll charge at you. So, the moral of this story is: *Drum roll* DON'T FORGIVE EVIL CHICKENS FROM HELL BENT ON DESTROYING EARTH, they will just charge at you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Harry just made a song.

Here goes his song, it's called 'The Cow Song': Mooooooooooooooooooooo.Moooooooooooo. MOOOOOOOOOOOO. MoOoOoOoOo. mOOOOOOOOOO.Moooooo.MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOO DOo MOOOOOOOOOOO DoO. MoO mUuUuUuUuUuUUUU Muh-oooh.
I think he's working on more...

I wish Maxeim would stop eating her molted feathers, it can't be good for her...

Gaming away the day! And other things...

We've been into online games latly and play: World Of Warcraft a MMORPG (Masivly Multi-player Online Role Playing Game), Roblox, an online building game based on Legos, but they've cleverly avoided Trade Mark Trouble,we also visit for online games, some role playing some Multi-player and some just 1-person.

I've also been wanting to create an online game, I've created a game that's just basecly sheets of paper and some cut outs that kinda stand up. Oh, and of course there's some dice! But anyway, back to the online game stuff, i've found a website called BYOND filled with online stratagy, board, card, RPing, multi-player and single player games, all created by difrent people, I have to say the website dosn't have the best design, but they do have a guid, witch is better designed and prety strait forward and is meant to help you create games! I'm only on chapter 3 or so, and there's around 19 chapters!
The good thing is that the guid is easy to understand, it's a quick read, and it's got qotes from Bhagavat Gita, and it's a pretty cool website overall.
(Mind You I havn't found the place were you create the game, only the instructions, so if anyone out there has please tell me!)

We're starting to see the first sign of Spring! Although, for me it's too soon, we barly got any snow that lasted more then a day! The sprouts in the cold frame and hoop house are flourishing, as well as the weeds! And, for that matter everything else is starting to sprout, wether they're in the cold frame, or in the ground that's just begining the thaw.
I've been rescueing the sprouts of Onions who are starting to grow were we had our Onion pach last year, of course now that's either the walkway around the hoophouse (Built Partly on top of the old Onion bed) or it's under the Hoop house, were they will almost sertainly die. I've been rescuering these runaway sprouts that pop up on the path around the Hoop House and re-locateing them to the Cold Frame.

The three new chicks we bought this winter are now pullet size and have since been banished to the garage, however we're still babying them so much too keep them in there little coop, and only let them out during warm, sunny days, with no wind. Though they are now almost fully feathered and over heat if it's too sunny or hot.

The biger chickens arn't very intrested in the new chicks, Ginny, secont in comand we think.dosnt seem to mind them at all and just wanders around looking for food, they on the other hand are terified of her, Mini Max, our Lil Buff Orpington, is more brave and i actuly saw her chalenge Ginny, and if you can beleive it, Ginny was the one backing down,
Madem Maxeim, the Leader of the flock is molting right now (Along with Minervia, who's tagging behind) and so she feels extra vonerable, and I don't think she would go into the little one's coop and try and show them whos boss right now, however she is brave enough to chalenge sunny, and even gives her a peck on the nose.
"Now who's leader of the Flock?! Eh?!"

Minervia is the lowest rank in the Flock right now, so she is being particularly agresive to the newist aditions to the flock, probobly because if she can hold her statuse among the little ones, she won't be the lowest rank after all.

Sibyll, who is presumably 2nd or 3rd ranking is very agresive, toward my shoes at least! and so we haven't had her in with the chicks much. Sibyll is very mean,I think, becouse she has a sharp and hard beak and likes to peck not only at my shoes, but at me, if I try to fend her off with a stick, guess what, she pecks the stick, if i try to fend her off with my boots, she just keeps pecking at my boots, and don't even go to fending her off with my hands! I'm convinced at the moment that Turkens (Sibyll's Breed) or at least just Sibyll are the Demon's Spawn Evil Chickens from Hell bent on destroying the world. I'm not sure if I'm right or not, but they're at least bent on pecking my boots or anything they come in contact with intill they bleed, even if they can't bleed, like a stick, or my boots or...

And sorry i haven't been blog posting latley! I'm too buisy playing online games! And, of course, fending off Sibyll AKA E.C.F.H.B.O.D.E. ( Evil Chicken From Hell Bent On Destroying Earth) Have fun everyone! Glad you enjoy reading my blog! :)