Monday, October 20, 2008


Three of our four chickens are laying now: Sybill, Minerva and Ginny.
And maybe even a fourth soon!:D

Friday, October 10, 2008

A third layer or one of the mysterious two?

Wow, we just saw Sibyll lay an egg! But what I'm wondering is whether she is one of the two first layers. I don't know if she is or not, but we're excited about the egg anyway!:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Double cause for celebration!

Ever since my Dad and I got up this morning, looked in the chicken coop and to our surprise and excitement, saw the first egg, I've been wanting to blog about it, but for some reason I just can't get on the computer, my Mom and brother have been busy playing computer games all day! Anyway, i finally got time today.

It's a little past sunset, when we put our chickens to bed, but because of Fang they've been in their coop practically all day. I went out there to say good night to our chickens and (I don't know why I did this 'cuz our chickens barely ran around outside of their coop) look for eggs in the yard in case they layed while they were outside. Well, I looked around and didn't find much, so I gave up and headed back to the coop, I was going to look in the nestbox for more eggs, as I did this however I was thinking how dumb it was to check a second time, and how the chickens could get out. I was amazed as I looked in the coop and saw a second egg, just sitting there in the nestbox! I went inside and showed the egg to my Mom, who was astonished too and put in the refrigerator, after that I ran around screaming. :) Harry didn't run around screaming, he was too busy playing on the computer, but he screamed at least!
Here are some pictures of the eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfourtunately, we do not know who the two mysterious layers are.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


My gradnparents came to visit a week ago to look for houses here(they live in California and want to move out here to be where all the family is: my cousins live here in Colorado, as well as us!) and brought their dog, Fang.

Fang is so big he comes up to my waist; as big as he is he still is very skinny. He is a pure white German shepherd with a tendancy to run away; unfourtunately, he is just too fast to catch. *Sigh* But Fang's a good dog, when he's not running away, and Sunny LOVES to play with him. She actually dominates him, he's just a big baby, hee hee.

But we're not so sure about Fang and the chickens, or the squirrels. Funny thing is, he goes crazy whenever he sees a squirrel, but he doesn't even notice our rats. And one other thing: we're baby-sitting Fang -- he's a very big baby though!