Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Science Experiments

I was experimenting with Flubber and stumbled upon what I beleive to be the recipe for Mars Mud!

The recipe for "Super Ooze" as I like to call it.

Mix 2 cups clear school glue and 2 cups water in a measuring cup or glass bowl. In a smaller cup, mix 3 table spoons borax and 1/3 cup water together - make sure it's mix very well and completely dissolved! Add food coloring of any color (your choice) into the glue and water mixture. Stir until even. Slowly add borax mixture while stirring - if the borax isn't completely dissolved you can just pour off the water while not letting the un-dissolved chunks get in. At this point it will start to turn solid and get harder to mix. Once you're done adding the borax, knead the glob with your hands untill there is no more water in the bowl.

*****DISCLAIMER!!!! I've only tested this once, so it may not work all the time - I will work on refining this*****

Afterwards you should have a nice, big glob of something resembling Mars Mud.
As you can see, this is basicly the recipe for Flubber just replacing the Elmer's Glue with clear school glue.

THIS RECIPE STILL NEEDS REFINING!!!! I've only tried it once, and while it worked, it was a complete accident. I will keep testing this and refining it - but at the moment we're out of glue.

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