Tuesday, July 28, 2009

News and new poems

First, the news! AKA the boring stuff first...

Still trying to integrate(note to self: buy 2-3 more chickens then you think you need and hopefully no integration will be necessary in the future)
Latest intelligence from the chickens is that sybill thinks I'm a rival chicken in the pecking order.
Yada yada yada
Blah blah blah
Oh, also we went to the U-pick raspberry place and got 4 pounds of berries!!!! YAY!
Oh, and we also made key lime pie!!!! With real key limes!!!!! (Note to self, buy regular limes, though not as good, they take much less juicing, cutting and slapping yourself for not noticing their the size of a quarter and, obviously, HARD TO SQUEEZE)

Okay, I have some poems i wrote now

Hallows Eve

Fur and Hide, Tooth and Claw, Tail and Moon and Gaping Maw. Staircase creak, Pipe Tinkle, Closet moan and Hallway groan. Witch's cackle, Gravestone speak. Black cat, Silver bone, Tail of rat. Full moon, Shadows move, Howl, Growl, Yip and Yowl. Caw of Crow and Tip of Blade, Silver glint in shady glade.


Stormy Day

Cloudy gray, a slow, light, drizzle. Golden Fields, a slight breeze rustles. Tattle Tales tell, Crows take flight and caw, Warning all of cat and fox



Full moon, Light of the Lantern, Howl of the Wolf, Crackle of a Twig, Erie echos and Flickering shadows. Jet black sky, twinkle of a star, bats chasing moths, owls hoot and animals sleep. Glowing embers of a long burnt-out fire, Muffled snores of campers in their tents, Glowing eyes of a Cat or Raccoon and the rustle of trees in the wind.

When I rite poems I tend to have a very descriptive style, there for, I only rite poems about things that suite my style of riting -- Hence the poems about night, dawn, Halloween and stormy days.

My favorite one so far has to be Hallows Eve.

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